Jesus Verse by Verse

an expanded commentary on the Gospel of Matthew

Jesus Verse by Verse...

This material is emailed regularly, section by section, each week, as part of a 52 Week study scheme which provides spiritual food for the year. Sign up to receive the weekly material here


28:1 The other Mary is surely a reference to Mary the mother of Jesus- see on 27:56.
28:7 The Lord’s original intention to meet His followers in Galilee (as in 28:10) seems to have been changed. Presumably because even in Divine nature, He was simply so excited and eager to get together with His brethren.
28:8 Women weren’t valid witnesses in first century legal circles. But Jesus chose women to be the primary and initial witnesses of His resurrection.
28:17 The doubt and unbelief of the disciples is a strong theme in all the resurrection accounts. Yet these are transcripts of the preaching of the Gospel by the apostles. They were emphasizing how they had had difficulty believing these things, and had been incredibly slow and dumb to grasp  what had happened. And on this basis their appeal for others to believe had more power to it.
28:19 As the good news of the Lord’s resurrection had been spread from the women to the disciples, now it was to be spread by all the disciples worldwide. The Gospel preaching of Matthew concludes with an appeal for baptism. Acts records how people were baptized into the name of Jesus- for the Name of the Father has been given to Him.
28:20 After baptism there was to be a teaching of the baptized person.